Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Anna Joinery Continues

Wow! I had a very productive day today. I fit the tenons for the side rails and dry assembled the rail to the legs. I put this sub assembly on top of my full size drawing to work on the layout of the miter joints. I set the rocker on top of the legs and marked the intersections. I then bisected these layout lines to get the angle.

I used my new Veritas sliding bevel gauge (Thanks Mom!) to set the angle on the miter gauge on the Felder.
I cut the angle on the bottoms of both rear legs, then both front legs. Then I scribed the rocker to each leg.

Here is the set up I used for cutting the miters on the ends of the rocker. There's a pneumatic clamp (not in the frame) holding down the far end while I make the cut. This worked really well, I crept up on the mark by advancing the black stop on the miter gauge. If you just slid the rocker on the cradle, the angle would change.

Next I cut the angle and the triple mortises on the end of the arm blanks. I'm using the Festool Domino for this operation. For multiple small tenons, its the way to go and can be set up and executed faster than the Multi Router. Those three mortises are cut off one layout center line, and the machine has indexed height stops so its perfectly repeatable.

Now that all the joints are cut for the side assembly, I can go ahead an put it together. I'll do some preliminary shaping of the arm before I glue it up, but here it is! Hope to glue up tomorrow. Looks like I'm going to have to do it in one shot though. I hope Laurie can help.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jason, the chair's looking great. Good luck today, that's a major glue-up! — Craig
